EVERETT, MA — March 28, 2017 — Just eight months after breaking ground, Wynn has announced that more than $1 million in wages and benefits have been paid to Everett residents who are working union construction jobs at the five-star Wynn Boston Harbor resort. To date, 49 employees from Everett have worked more than 18,000 hours on the resort.
“The fact that we hit the $1 million wage mark in a relatively short time is a testament to the hard-working people of Everett,” said Robert DeSalvio, President of Wynn Boston Harbor. “When you really analyze the numbers, Everett has more residents per capita working on our job site than any other city. These are the results that Wynn and Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria have envisioned from day one.”
Mayor DeMaria has long maintained that the $2.4 billion would generate tremendous jobs and benefits to residents of Everett.
“It’s impressive that, with two years to go, we have already surpassed $1 million in wages and benefits and have dozens of residents at the job site. When you add the Everett residents who are working on non-construction jobs for Wynn, the amount is even higher,” said Mayor DeMaria. “This is the first time Everett residents have had a preference on such sought-after careers. I can’t tell you how many people have stopped me on the street to tell me that these jobs are making a real difference in their quality of life.”